Migrant Honor Student

Each year the Monterey County Migrant Education Program recognizes an outstanding student from Monterey County as the Migrant Program Honor Student of the Year.  

Migrant students from all of Monterey County High Schools are eligible to be nominated.  Students are recommended by their Migrant Counselors at each site.  The extensive application packet must include a student written essay, resume, letters of recommendation, and unofficial transcripts amongst other requirements.  Each site selects an exemplary student who has achieved academic excellence and has shown school and community involvement.

Once students are selected at each school, they participate in  a formal interview with the selection panel for the concluding selection process. The panel is made up of Migrant staff and Migrant parents. The  selected Honor Student for each region (21 total regions in California) will represent their Regional Migrant Education Program at the Migrant Parent State Conference to be held in March 2022.  Students and their parents are invited  to attend the conference.  All Honor Students from the state of California will participate in a special conference program designed specifically for the Honor Students. 

This year the selection committee has selected Alejandro Ramirez, a senior at Gonzales High School as the Migrant Program Honor Student for 2022!  Alejandro was selected from a very competitive field of outstanding students  from throughout Monterey County.  Alejandro has demonstrated academic excellence as well as a strong desire to help those around him.  Our congratulations go to him as well as his family for being selected for this well deserved recognition.