Project Management

What is an IT Project?


Projects are unique, temporary endeavors that have a defined scope that is conducted within a specific timeline. Projects accomplish a specific goal, usually to solve a district-wide, school-wide, or grade level problem.


IT Projects are a collaboration between IT, other GUSD departments and/or school sites and sometimes vendors. IT projects MUST have a defined business owner who can identify the functional requirements and success factors. The business owner is responsible, along with IT, for the success of the project. Additionally, to be considered, projects must have the approval of the Superintendent, Associate Superintendent, or director who is the project sponsor.


There are two main categories of IT projects:

  1. New functionality

    • Examples: software application, service, or system of any typeThese projects often involve one or more of the following IT activities: review of technical requirements, installation, and configuration of a software and/or hardware system, integration of a system or service into the enterprise network, enterprise authentication, data feeds from enterprise systems, installation and configuration of hardware.If you are thinking about or have identified a new application or service for your department, please include IT in the evaluation. Even if you have already identified the solution and it is funded, there are functional and technical issues to consider before you purchase the product.

  2. Change to an existing software application, system, program, report or service

    • Examples: any software or system, software or hardware that is established in production now but requires an upgrade or functionality enhancements. These projects could be changes required by the vendor such as upgrades or enhancements requested by the business owner. Changes include functionality upgrades to systems and services (hardware and software), including changes to code, logic, or architecture of an application or report.


Request Process for IT Projects


Complete the IT Project Request Form. Please make sure the Project Sponsor is clearly indicated and has approved the request before you submit. You and the Project Sponsor will receive an acknowledgment within twenty-four hours. However, please allow 4 weeks for the IT Department to review and develop a project scope prior to your next meeting.


What happens after you have submitted your request?


Your request will be reviewed by IT and if appropriate, sent to Assistant Superintendent, Business Office for final evaluation, approval, and prioritization. Some of the factors in the evaluation process include:

  • Compliance to fulfill regulatory, audit, state requirements

    1. Strategic alignment (Alignment to LCAP goals)

    2. Benefit (return on investment)

    3. Risk (technological, the scope of change)

    4. Resources (skills, expertise, estimated staff hours)

    5. Time frame

    6. Constraints and dependencies


At the conclusion of the review you will be contacted by the IT Department with the outcome of your request and to discuss next steps.


Project Request Workflow Diagram