
If you have any questions/concerns please contact the Technology Department at (831)675-0100 ext. 8309 or you can email us: it@gonzales.k12.ca.us

Seniors: G Suite Takeout Directions

Seniors please remember that your Gonzales Unified School District student G Suite Account (Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.) will be deleted during the summer after you graduate. It is important for you to make a copy of your work in order to take it with you. Google Takeout is a wonderful tool provided by Google that allows you to download all of your work from Drive and take it with you. This process does take some time depending on how much data you plan to download from your Google account. We suggest that you complete this process at home so that your downloaded data is on a personal computer. 


How to save your data with Google Takeout - Here

How to create a personal Gmail account - Here

Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure!